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Essential Food to Carry While Travelling

Travelling, whether for leisure, work, or adventure, often brings the challenge of maintaining a healthy and satisfying diet on the go. The key to overcoming this challenge lies in carefully selecting food to carry while travelling. This selection not only ensures you stay energized and hydrated but also helps in avoiding the inconvenience and expense of finding suitable food in unfamiliar locales. In this article, we’ll explore 20 essential foods that are perfect for your travel bag, providing both nutritional value and convenience.

20 Essential Foods to Carry While Travelling

Each of these foods has been chosen for its combination of nutritional benefits, ease of packing, and convenience of consumption without the need for extensive preparation.

1. Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are a powerhouse of energy, packed with healthy fats, proteins, and fiber. They are incredibly portable and can be stored easily, making them an ideal food to carry while travelling. Almonds, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds, for instance, not only offer a quick snack option but also help in keeping hunger at bay.

2. Whole Grain Crackers

Whole grain crackers are a versatile and healthy snack option rich in fiber. They pair excellently with nut butters or cheese, offering a satisfying mix of carbohydrates and protein. Their dry nature means they last well, making them a staple food to carry while travelling.

3. Fresh Fruits

Fruits like apples, bananas, and oranges are full of vitamins, minerals, and hydration. They’re nature’s own snack pack, convenient to carry and consume on any journey. Their natural sugar provides a quick energy boost, making them a must-have food to carry while travelling.

4. Dried Fruits

Dried fruits, such as apricots, raisins, and figs, are lightweight, non-perishable, and packed with energy. They are a concentrated source of nutrients and a sweet treat to enjoy without the mess of fresh fruits, perfect for longer trips.

5. Protein Bars

Protein bars are a compact source of energy and nutrients. Choosing bars with whole food ingredients and low sugar content can provide a convenient and healthy snack. They’re a great food to carry while travelling, offering a quick protein boost on the go.

6. Jerky

Jerky, whether it’s beef, turkey, or a plant-based alternative, is a high-protein, low-fat snack that’s durable and easy to pack. Its savory flavor and satisfying chew make it a favorite food to carry while travelling, especially for those who need a meaty snack without refrigeration.

7. Nut Butters

Packets of nut butters, such as almond or peanut butter, are fantastic for traveling. They offer a good mix of protein, fat, and calories, and can be spread on crackers, fruit, or enjoyed straight from the packet.

8. Granola or Trail Mix

A custom mix of granola or trail mix, combining nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and perhaps a bit of dark chocolate, offers a delightful balance of flavors and textures. It’s an energizing food to carry while travelling, perfect for snacking at any time.

9. Oatmeal Packets

Instant oatmeal packets are a warm, comforting meal that only requires hot water. They’re an excellent source of whole grains and can be customized with dried fruit or nuts, making it a nutritious food to carry while travelling.

10. Hard-Boiled Eggs

Hard-boiled eggs are a compact, protein-rich food. They are relatively easy to prepare in advance and can last a day or two, making them a practical choice for shorter trips.

11. Cheese

Hard cheeses, like cheddar or gouda, are great for travel. They provide calcium and protein, and when paired with whole grain crackers or fruit, make for a satisfying snack.

12. Yogurt or Cottage Cheese Cups

Single-serve cups of yogurt or cottage cheese are excellent sources of protein and calcium. Opt for versions with low sugar content and keep them cool with a small ice pack if possible.

13. Whole Grain Sandwiches

Sandwiches made with whole grain bread, lean protein like turkey or chicken, and plenty of vegetables are a filling and balanced meal option. Wrap them well to maintain freshness.

14. Hummus and Veggie Sticks

A small container of hummus paired with sticks of carrots, celery, or bell peppers offers a crunchy, nutritious snack. Hummus provides a good mix of protein and fat, ideal for sustained energy.

15. Popcorn

Air-popped popcorn is a light, whole-grain snack that’s easy to carry and can be seasoned in various ways. It’s a healthier alternative to chips and provides the satisfaction of a crunchy snack.

16. Dark Chocolate

A small amount of dark chocolate can satisfy sweet cravings without the downsides of more sugary snacks. It’s also packed with antioxidants.

17. Quinoa Salad

Quinoa salad, with vegetables and a protein like chickpeas or chicken, is a filling and nutritious meal that can be eaten cold. Store in a leak-proof container.

18. Canned Fish

Canned fish, such as tuna or salmon, is rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids. It can be added to salads or sandwiches, offering a convenient and healthy meal option.

19. Whole Fruit Bars

Whole fruit bars that contain no added sugars are a convenient and healthy way to enjoy fruit on the go. They provide energy and nutrients in a portable form.

20. Water Bottle

Staying hydrated is crucial, so a reusable water bottle is essential. Fill it up at water stations to ensure you’re always hydrated.


Choosing the right food to carry while travelling can significantly enhance your travel experience, keeping you nourished, satisfied, and ready to explore. The 20 essential best foods listed above offer a combination of nutritional benefits, convenience, and taste, making them ideal companions for any trip. By packing these foods, you can avoid the pitfalls of unhealthy snacking and enjoy your travels to the fullest.


Why is it important to choose non-perishable foods for travel?

Non-perishable foods are essential for travel because they last longer, reducing the risk of spoilage and ensuring you have access to nutritious meals and snacks without constant refrigeration.

How can I keep perishable foods fresh while travelling?

Use insulated bags with ice packs for perishable items like dairy, meat, and certain fruits and vegetables to keep them fresh longer.

Are there any foods to avoid while travelling?

It’s best to avoid highly perishable foods, those that require extensive preparation, and foods with strong odors that might be inconvenient in close quarters.

How can I maintain a balanced diet while on the road?

Focus on incorporating a variety of foods from different food groups, including whole grains, proteins, fruits, and vegetables, to ensure a balanced intake of nutrients.

What are the best foods to carry for hydration?

Besides carrying a water bottle, foods like cucumbers, oranges, and watermelon can help keep you hydrated.

Can I bring food on a plane?

Yes, most solid foods can be brought on a plane in your carry-on, but liquid or gel-like foods may be subject to restrictions. Always check the latest guidelines from the airline or TSA.

How do I manage food allergies while travelling?

Carry safe snacks that meet your dietary needs and communicate any allergies clearly when dining out or purchasing food.

What are the best protein sources for vegetarian travelers?

Nuts, seeds, nut butters, legumes, and dairy products like cheese and yogurt are excellent protein sources for vegetarians.

How can I ensure I’m getting enough fruits and vegetables while travelling?

Pack portable, non-perishable options like dried fruits and veggie sticks, and choose dishes rich in vegetables when dining out.

What should I do if I can’t find healthy food options while travelling?

Having a stash of the essential foods listed above can save the day, providing healthy, convenient options when other choices are limited.

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